VR Cars Ltd.
Loka cels 49, Jaunmarupe, LV-2166, Latvia
Enterprise registration no.: 40203294271
VAT No. LV40203294271
+371 26598888

Ali Jansons
Chairman of the Board, creator of VR FOX
All the vehicles are quite equal. Four wheels, two or three pedals, one steering wheel. But the details make the difference. We have thought of many details. First of all, VR FOX is built around the soldier. Every tenth of a second matters in the war zone – it’s a matter of life, so easy entry and easy exit is number one priority. Then the speed and mobility – you should be able to arrive and leave fast regardless on what terrain are you on. Driving comfort is what stands above all other military vehicles available in the market – you can still use machine gun when driving, that is how good the car is even on a tough road. Then special military things – ammunition storage places, dedicated places for swing-arm or ring-mount for machine guns, black-out lights and so on. We have spent thousands of hours designing the car that is modern and reliable, and are convinced that our product is a perfect one for armies all over the World.

Martins Dzenitis
Member of the Board, Sales and marketing
Our experience in motor sports has taught us many things. But most important one – only one place on the podium matters. It’s the first place. So when creating VR FOX, we used to listen to Tina Turner song “The Best”. As there should be no compromises – everything should be “Simply the Best”. Best driving comfort, best offroad capabilities, best handling. It took us several years to design VR FOX, and we are convinced – it really is simply the best special forces army vehicle in the market. We are not afraid to say this, and even less afraid to show those capabilities. So our message to all military people – please come to see and feel the car. We are sure you will not be disappointed!
+371 29211639 (Engineering and production)
+371 26598888 (Sales and marketing)